Holiday Club Timetable

Health & Fitness

Centre Facilities

Centre Activities

Family & Kids


Maidstone YMCA Kids Holiday Club

7th - 17th April 2025

Welcome to Maidstone YMCA, where fun and adventure await your kids! 

We know how important it is to keep young minds active and engaged during the holidays, and we’ve put together an exciting summer schedule that promises endless fun, learning, and new friendships.

Monday Activities

Foxes (4-6 year olds)


09:00-10:00: Cricket

10:00-10:45: Football

10:45-11:00: SNACK BREAK

11:00-12:00: Basketball

12:00-13:00: LUNCH BREAK

13:00-14:00: Benchball

14:00-15:00: Roller disco

15:00-15:30: Free play

Penguins (7-8 year olds)


09:00-10:00: Football

10:00-10:45: Basketball

10:45-11:00: SNACK BREAK

11:00-12:00: Cricket

12:00-13:00: LUNCH BREAK

13:00-14:00: Benchball

14:00-15:00: Roller disco

15:00-15:30: Free play

Lions (9-11 year olds)


09:00-10:00: Basketball

10:00-10:45: Cricket

10:45-11:00: SNACK BREAK

11:00-12:00: Football

12:00-13:00: LUNCH BREAK

13:00-14:00: Benchball

14:00-15:00: Roller disco

15:00-15:30: Free play

Tuesday Activities

Foxes (4-6 year olds)


09:00-10:00: Football

10:00-10:45: Dodgeball

10:45-11:00: SNACK BREAK

11:00-12:00: Rounders

12:00-13:00: LUNCH BREAK

13:00-14:00: Arts & Crafts

14:00-15:00: Hockey

15:00-15:30: Outdoor games

Penguins (7-8 year olds)


09:00-10:00: Rounders

10:00-10:45: Football

10:45-11:00: SNACK BREAK

11:00-12:00: Dodgeball

12:00-13:00: LUNCH BREAK

13:00-14:00: Hockey

14:00-15:00: Arts & Crafts

15:00-15:30: Outdoor games

Lions (9-11 year olds)


09:00-10:00: Dodgeball

10:00-10:45: Rounders

10:45-11:00: SNACK BREAK

11:00-12:00: Football

12:00-13:00: LUNCH BREAK

13:00-14:00: Hockey

14:00-15:00: Arts & Crafts

15:00-15:30: Outdoor games

Wednesday Activities

Foxes (4-6 year olds)


09:00-10:00: Skating

10:00-10:45: Football

10:45-11:00: SNACK BREAK

11:00-12:00: Hockey

12:00-13:00: LUNCH BREAK

13:00-14:00: WOW Wednesday

14:00-15:30: Cricket

Penguins (7-8 year olds)


09:00-10:00: Hockey

10:00-10:45: Skating

10:45-11:00: SNACK BREAK

11:00-12:00: Football

12:00-13:00: LUNCH BREAK

13:00-14:00: WOW Wednesday

14:00-15:30: Cricket

Lions (9-11 year olds)


09:00-10:00: Football

10:00-10:45: Hockey

10:45-11:00: SNACK BREAK

11:00-12:00: Skating

12:00-13:00: LUNCH BREAK

13:00-14:00: Cricket

14:00-15:30: WOW Wednesday

Thursday Activities

Foxes (4-6 year olds)


09:00-10:00: Skating

10:00-10:45: Cooking

10:45-11:00: SNACK BREAK

11:00-12:00: Football

12:00-13:00: LUNCH BREAK

13:00-14:00: Bench/dodgeball

14:00-15:30: Outdoor games

Penguins (7-8 year olds)


09:00-10:00: Cooking

10:00-10:45: Football

10:45-11:00: SNACK BREAK

11:00-12:00: Skating

12:00-13:00: LUNCH BREAK

13:00-14:00: Bench/dodgeball

14:00-15:30: Outdoor games

Lions (9-11 year olds)


09:00-10:00: Football

10:00-10:45: Skating

10:45-11:00: SNACK BREAK

11:00-12:00: Cooking

12:00-13:00: LUNCH BREAK

13:00-14:00: Bench/dodgeball

14:00-15:30: Outdoor games

Friday Activities

Foxes (4-6 year olds)


09:00-10:00: Basketball

10:00-10:45: Cricket

10:45-11:00: SNACK BREAK

11:00-12:00: Football/freeplay

12:00-13:00: LUNCH BREAK

13:00-14:00: Halloween performing arts

14:00-15:30: Spooky Skating

Penguins (7-8 year olds)


09:00-10:00: Cricket

10:00-10:45: Basketball

10:45-11:00: SNACK BREAK

11:00-12:00: Football/freeplay

12:00-13:00: LUNCH BREAK

13:00-14:00: Halloween performing arts

14:00-15:30: Spooky Skating

Lions (9-11 year olds)


09:00-10:00: Cricket

10:00-10:45: Basketball

10:45-11:00: SNACK BREAK

11:00-12:00: Football/freeplay

12:00-13:00: LUNCH BREAK

13:00-14:00: Halloween performing arts

14:00-15:30: Spooky Skating


  • Break times
  • Activities
  • Special activities
  • WOW Wednesday

Get in touch

If you would like to speak to a member of staff about membership then fill out this form and a member of our team will be in touch.

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